
Eye Conditions

Eye Conditions services offered in Virginia

Eye Conditions
About Eye Conditions

Eye conditions like pink eye, dry eye, and excess tearing can affect your vision and quality of life. Thankfully, various treatments can relieve uncomfortable symptoms and prevent these issues from worsening. At Dovecare, serving patients  throughout the state of Virginia via telehealth, board-certified Internal medicine physician Abisoye Fakayode, MD, and the team provide care for eye conditions. Book your visit online today. 

Eye Conditions Q&A

What are eye conditions?

Eye conditions refer to various problems that affect your eyes and/or vision. Almost everyone experiences eye problems at one time or another. Most of these conditions are mild and improve with rest and over-the-counter treatments, but others require professional intervention.

If you develop eye problems, contact Dovecare Medical Group. Prompt treatment reduces the risk of complications.

What are the symptoms of eye conditions?

Eye condition symptoms include:

  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Watery eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Double vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Glare
  • Red eyes
  • Bloodshot eyes

Sometimes, eye conditions make it painful to blink or close the eyes. For example, if you have pink eye, it might feel like there’s sand trapped in your eye.

What are some common eye conditions?

The Dovecare Medical Group team treats various eye conditions, including:

Pink eye

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is often caused by a virus or bacteria. It irritates the lining of your eyeball (conjunctiva), resulting in redness, swelling, and pain. Pink eye affects people of all ages, but it’s particularly common in children and teens.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes occur when your eyes don’t produce enough tears to adequately lubricate them. It causes your eyes to feel dry, itchy, and irritated. This condition is especially common in people who look at electronic screens all day. 

Excess tearing

Excess tearing is the opposite of dry eyes. It occurs when one or both of your eyes produce too many tears, causing them to water. Often, excess tearing is exacerbated by environmental factors, like exposure to sunlight, wind, or freezing temperatures. Allergies may also cause your eyes to tear more than usual.

Eyelid problems

Your eyelids protect your eyes from harmful substances and help spread tears over their surface. A common eyelid problem is blepharitis (eyelid inflammation).

How are eye conditions diagnosed?

Your Dovecare Medical Group provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes a telehealth-based eye exam. Minor eye conditions, like pink eye and blepharitis, can be treated with prescription eye drops and medications.

How are eye conditions treated?

The Dovecare  team treats eye conditions with a conservative and integrative approach. They could suggest:

  • Oral antibiotics
  • Prescription eye drops
  • Warm compresses (if you have blepharitis)
  • Allergy eye drops (to prevent excess tearing)
  • At-home exercises (like the 20-20-20 rule for dry eyes or computer vision syndrome)
  • Wearing sunglasses

Most eye conditions improve with one or several of these treatments. Your provider monitors your symptoms at regular telehealth checkups and adjusts your care plan as needed to ensure lasting results. If they feel your eye condition needs a specialist, they can refer you to a local eye doctor.

Book your telehealth appointment online today to schedule treatment for eye conditions.