
Ear Infections

Ear Infections services offered in Virginia

Ear Infections
About Ear Infections

Ear infections most commonly affect children, but they can also cause problems for adults. At Dovecare , serving patients throughout the state of Virginia via telehealth, board-certified Internal medicine physician Abisoye Fakayode, MD, and the team can help you with the treatment you need. If you’re experiencing an earache, request an appointment online today.

Ear Infections Q&A

What are the signs of an ear infection in adults?

In adults, some signs of ear infection can include:

  • Earache (sharp, sudden pain or dull, continuous pain)
  • A feeling of fullness in the ear
  • Nausea and vomiting (which can signal an inner ear infection)
  • Muffled hearing
  • Ear drainage
  • Red, tender, or swollen ear

While ear infections are more common in children, when adults get them, they’re usually more serious and caused by a bacterial infection.


How are ear infections treated?

If you or your child has an ear infection, your Dovecare Medical Group provider will look at the ear using a tool called an otoscope, which has a light and magnifying lens at the tip.

If you have a middle ear infection, you’ll likely receive antibiotics, either in a cream or in pills. You may also receive a pain reliever, as well as a decongestant or antihistamine, if your ear infection is due to allergies or a cold.

If you have an outer ear infection, you’ll receive a topical treatment or oral antibiotics, and the ear should be cleaned carefully. If a virus is causing your ear infection, you may have to just wait for the virus to clear up.

How can I prevent an ear infection?

Using certain strategies can prevent some ear infections. Always keep your ears clean, and use a cotton swab carefully on the outer parts of your ears only. 

You should also dry your ears after showering or swimming, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid picking up germs, and ensure you have received the necessary vaccines.


If you have an ear infection,  book an appointment using the online booking feature today.